Healthy Lifestyle
Recently a government regulating agency rejected a company’s claim that consumption of green tea can lower a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease. The company’s assertion that the catachins received from a cup of green tea could moderate blood lipid levels. This claim was not proven to a satisfactory measure to the Agency. Does that mean green tea offers little benefit to regular tea drinkers?
Recently another medical committee convened to discuss the benefits and risks of regular fish consumption. At issue was whether the benefits from eating fish was outweighed by the risks of mercury and other contaminants. In conclusion, they recommend that the benefits of moderate fish consumption outweighed any risks from contaminants. They went further to recommend that expecting mothers refrain from fish consumption during pregnancy, simply as a precaution. Does that mean that fish is safe?
Studies to determine which is more conducive to weight loss, diet or exercise, concluded that diet is more effective. Although both yield weight reduction, diet modification shows the most dramatic results. Those results shouldn’t be shocking, considering you cannot grow a body without consuming food. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot grow fatter by walking past a donut shop. Still, both diet and exercise should be used harmoniously to reach and maintain optimal weight.
Stress is also linked to weight-gain and depression of immune function. A wide-range of diseases trace their origins to immune system dysfunction. Stress also promotes irregular sleep patterns. Irregular sleep patterns increase stress. Physical activity has been shown to lower blood pressure, and lower stress. By inference, efforts to mitigate stress can also result in preserving a desirable weight.
Green tea drinkers typically engage in other activities that result in lower cardiovascular disease risk. Regular consumers of fish may also have other health-centric routines that lead to desirable outcomes. Positive changes in diet and exercise harmoniously lead to the healthiest method for controlling body composition. To bottom-line the issue, adopt a posture of wellness, without being overly concerned about eliminating risk-factors from their lives completely.
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